Ecosystem Ponds
Small Ecosystem Ponds
Our smallest ecosystem ponds start from £4,099 for a 2m x 2m self sustaining ecosystem. We always carry out a site consultation before quoting a final price.
Medium Ecosystem Ponds
Our medium sized ponds can be adapted into any environment, such as this 3m x 4m pond built into a fenced area of a back garden.
Large Ecosystem Ponds
For larger ponds, such as this beautiful 4m x 5m installation, please get in touch so we can discuss what Ecoscape can do for you.
What makes an ecosystem pond?
Two filtration processes are used on ecosystem ponds.
1. Skimmer: The first stage of filtration is the skimmer (mechanical filtration). The pump is situated in the skimmer unit, pulling water towards it along with any debris that are suspended on the surface. Debris such as leaves and food waste are then collected in the skimmer basket allowing for easy removal.
2. Biofalls®: The water is then passed into /the Biofalls (biological filter) which contains millions of microscopic beneficial bacteria that continuously consume and break down excess nutrients in the water. It is these excess nutrients which often are the cause of algae blooms and fish disease outbreak.
Pumps are housed in the skimmer unit, this lowers the chance of pumps to become blocked and restricting the circulation. Pumps flow rate may differentiate from job to job as each project is designed to ensure efficient circulation. They will keep the water moving and when returning over the biofalls provide necessary oxygen levels for healthy koi fish and plants.
Aesthetically a lot more appealing than a bare black rubber liner, they also provide protection from the suns UV, which can eventually lead to a quicker liner deterioration. More importantly also provides an much larger surface area for the beneficial bacteria to thrive, thus helping with excess nutrient removal and ultimately keeping your pond water crystal clear.
Plants are the true filters in any ecosystem, able to filter as much as 96% nitrogen and 98% phosphorus, both these elements when high in concentration are the number cause of algae blooms. In larger sized ecosystem ponds, sporadic planting is often not enough therefore a wetland filter is needed.
Plants also provide texture and colour to your pond, helping to break and soften the rock and gravel creating a natural look. The plants also provide refuge for many animals, such fry and bugs, trying to avoid predators.
Ecosystem ponds are a brilliant attraction for the wildlife in your area. From frogs and newts to birds and bugs, your pond will become a bustling hive of activity in a matter of weeks.
Introducing fish to your pond can also provide a wonderful boost to the ecosystem. Not only do fish such as Koi graze on excess algae, lowering pond maintenance, they also make wonderful pets; providing colour and natural entertainment.
More than just a pond, it’s a self-sustaining ecosystem
At Ecoscape Water Gardens we pride ourselves on creating our ponds to be fully self-sustaining ecosystems, designed with all wildlife in mind, from small aquatic bugs to prized koi we aim to replicate mother nature. Rock and gravel are placed over the liner to help create the natural environment. Not only does this creates a better finish, this allows a greater surface area for beneficial bacteria to cultivate, in contrast the traditional UK bare liner.
All components are critical to ensuring a Ecosystem pond is self sustaining, each component is dependent on the next. Once established and all components are functioning this allows you to enjoy your new low maintenance water feature.
Ecoscape Water Gardens are certified Aquascape contractors specialising in the design and build of stunning ecosystem ponds and waterfalls. We use quality Aquascape products on all our pond construction projects which we have mastered through attending practical training events held in Chicago, USA. Aquascape are the leading water feature manufacturer in North America and have established themselves as the number one brand for quality and reliability over 25 years of operations.
From design to build, we take care of the whole process
We believe pond building is an art, and just like artists we express ourselves through our work. At Ecoscape Water Gardens we hold our pond construction to the highest standards.
Our Ecosystem ponds are built to be low-maintenance and work with Mother Nature, functioning to provide food, shelter, and safety to the wildlife around it. Artistically designed with the sounds of moving water, constantly attracting wildlife, allowing birds to bathe and insects like butterflies and dragonfly to spawn. With no two Ecosystem ponds being identical, relax and watch as each pond develops its own characteristics with fish, plants and wildlife thriving.
This small East London garden was completely transformed from an unsightly and sad area into a beautiful slice of paradise centred around a Golden Granite 3m x 2m Ecosystem Pond.
Enjoy your new pond the way nature intended it to be! Our ecosystem ponds are designed to be low-maintenance and to let you enjoy your pond all year round.
Give us a call today
We cover the whole of Essex and travel into Kent, Suffolk, London, and other surrounding counties. Please contact us to discuss any ideas and arrange a site visit.